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Response to Intervention


Kelly Andrews


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MATH....the only subject that 'counts'!



Sites for Parents and Teachers

Greg Tang explains the why behind Common Core math......   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnecUrHgTkc


Estimation 180 - A great daily warm-up to build number sense and practice a vital real life math skill.



Splat! ... a fun, powerful, and highly interactive number sense strategy that can be used at any grade level (k-12). This link will take you to Steve Wyborney’s Blog with free Splat! Lessons: whole number as well as fractions.



DreamBox Learning - a website only available for students currently in RtI Math


Students will need to enter their first name and first initial of their last name with no space and their special password they used in RTI throughout the year.          For example:    user name:  janes

                                                                                      password:  farm

For iPads, enter this code nhmq/herscherc2 and follow the above login instructions.


Math Sites for all students


Herscher Intermediate School
391 N Main St
Herscher, IL 60941


“It's about building math minds, not creating calculators.” Christina Tondevold

Card & Dice Games
War (addition/multiplication)
Go Fish (cards that make a 10)
7-Up (10 friends)
Memory (10 Friends)
Numskill (Number Bonds)
