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PARCC Testing


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PARCC: Resources for Parents 

The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) is a group of states developing assessments to measure student achievement in English language arts/literacy (ELA/L) and mathematics based on the learning standards expressed by the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for grades 3–8. 

The Spring 2016 PARCC assessments were administered in computer-based format. English language arts/literacy (ELA/L) assessments focused on writing effectively when analyzing text. Mathematics assessments focused on applying skills and concepts, understanding multi-step problems that require abstract reasoning, and modeling real-world problems with precision, perseverance, and strategic use of tools. In both content areas, students also demonstrated their acquired skills and knowledge by answering selected-response items and fill-in-the-blank items.


Video - What's important to know about the PARCC assessment?


PARCC Score Wrappers

These score wrappers provide in-depth explanations of students scores and the various performance levels of the PARCC assessment. Each score wrapper begins with a message from the Illinois State Superintendent of Education, Dr. Tony Smith.

3rd Grade 4th Grade
5th Grade 6th Grade
7th Grade 8th Grade

PARCC Spring 2016 Score Report Interpretation Guides

This guide provides information on the individual student reports, school reports, and district reports provided for PARCC assessment results. Section 2.0, which outlines and explains elements of the individual student report, may be shared with parents. This section will help parents understand their child’s test results.

The sample report included in this guide are for illustration purposes only. It is provided to show the basic layout of the reports and the information they provide. Sample reports do not include actual data from any administration.


Link - Score Report Interpretation Guide For Parents



The PARCC score report gives you a snapshot of how your child is progressing toward meeting grade-level expectations and mastering important skills, and shows where he or she excels or needs more support. This information, along with grades, teacher feedback and scores on other tests, will help give a more complete picture of how well your child is performing academically.

Visit understandthescore.org for additional parent resources.