Directions using Google Maps
To find directions to any school, click on the link below and type in the name of the school. https://www.google.com/maps/@41.054208,-88.0999757,15z Cancellations are posted on Facebook. Please follow "Herscher Booster" Club for all information regarding Herscher Athletics. If Facebook is not an option, call Herscher High School @ 815.426.2103 and we will be happy to help you.

Herscher High School Athletic Forms
Jan 10, 2018
IHSA Physical Co-Curricular Proof of Insurance Concussion and IHSA PES Policy Athletic Policies & Procedures ATI Physical Therapy Consent Form

Follow Herscher Tigers on Facebook
Oct 22, 2014
www.facebook.com/herscher.athleticboosters https://il.8to18.com/Herscher